Snow Season Update

It's that time of year again.

We've been getting a lot of questions and comments about this year's snowmobiling season. Specifically we're being asked about plowing the Mosquito Creek parking lot. So we thought it would be a good idea to give you an update.

Back in early September we sent the U.S. Forest Service Jackson District Office a letter outlining projects we would like them to request funds for from Wyoming State Trails. One of those requests included the plowing of Mosquito Creek.

Back in early September we sent the U.S. Forest Service Jackson District Office a letter outlining projects we would like them to request funds for from the Wyoming State Trails Grant Program.

Since that time, Wyoming State Trails has approved plowing expenses, including Mosquito Creek, as part of their internal grant process.

We are still waiting to hear about next spring's projects to clear roads and trails that we believe are "often the safest route for young and inexperienced users, and it is important these roads are clear for our youngest recreationists to learn in a safe environment."

We will keep you updated!

We've included our letter below.

Wish you all a happy and safe ride!

AMPL letter to BTNF Jackson requesting grant items 9.12.19PG1.png
AMPL letter to BTNF Jackson requesting grant items 9.12.19PG2.png