2024 Volunteer opportunities

July 10th - 5:30-7:30 PM - Trail Work Happy Hour on Crankshaft Trail in Mosquito Creek - ideal for dirtbikers or eMTBers.

July 27th - 9AM - 2PM - Trail Work Day on the Big Hole Crest Trail (between Grove and Patterson) - great day for trail users of any kind to join!

August 21st - 5:30-7:30 PM - Trail Work Happy Hour on Crankshaft Trail in Mosquito Creek - ideal for dirtbikers or eMTBers.

August 24th and 25th - All day bridge work on Rainey Creek Trails, Idaho - great day for trail users of any kind to join!

September 18th - 5:30-7:30 PM - Trail Work Happy Hour on Crankshaft Trail in Mosquito Creek - ideal for dirtbikers or eMTBers.

September 21st and 22nd - All day bridge work on Rainey Creek Trails, Idaho - great day for trail users of any kind to join!

If you are interested in participating in a volunteer day please fill out this form so that we have a good idea of how many people to expect at each event. More information for each event will be sent to those who sign up! We are excited to have you on Team AMPL and helping us on the trails!